Sahaba Stories

List Of Sahaba names, Stories and Biographies
List Of Famous Sahaba Names
Sahaba (Companions of prophet muhammad SAW) means is someone who saw Muhammad and believed in him as well as died a Muslim.
The Sahaabah were the companions of Prophet Muhammad (saas). They are described in glowing terms by the Prophet (saas) as the following hadith from Sahih Muslim [ Book 30, Number 6159] shows:
Narrated Aisha:
A person asked Allah’s Apostle (peace be upon him) as to who amongst the people were the best. He said: Of the generation to which I belong, then of the second generation (generation adjacent to my generation), then of the third generation (generation adjacent to the second generation).
Below is a partial list of some of the companions of the Prophet (saas). Their lives remain a source of inspiration for the later generations of Muslims, including today’s. May Allah be pleased with all of them.
Abbad Ibn Bishr Sahaba
Abdullah Ibn Abbas Sahaba
Abdullah Ibn Hudhafah As-Sahmi Sahaba
Abdullah Ibn Jahsh Sahaba
Abdullah Ibn Masud Sahaba
Abdullah Ibn Sailam Sahaba
Abdullah Ibn Umm Maktum Sahaba
Abdur Rahman Ibn Awf-Awl Sahaba
Abu Ayyub Al-Ansari Sahaba
Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari Sahaba
Abu Musa Al-Ashari Sahaba
Abu Hurayrah Sahaba
Abu Sufyan Ibn Al-Harith Sahaba
Fatimah Bint Muhammad Female Sahaba
Fayruz Ad-Daylami Sahaba
Habib Ibn Zayd Al-Ansari Sahaba
Hakim ibn Hazm Sahaba
Hudhayfah Ibn Al-Yaman Sahaba
Muhammad Ibn Maslamah Sahaba
Musab Ibn Umayr Sahaba
Nuaym Ibn Masud Sahaba
Rabiah Ibn Kab Sahaba
Ramlah Bint Abi Sufyan Female Sahaba
Rumaysa Bint Milhan Female Sahaba
Sad Ibn Abi Waqqas Sahaba
Sa’id ibn Aamir Al-Jumahi Sahaba
Ubayy Ibn Kab Sahaba
Umayr ibn Sad al-Ansari Sahaba
Umayr Ibn Wahb Sahaba
Umm Salamah Sahaba
Abdullah Ibn Umar Sahaba
Asmaa Bint Abu Bakr Female Sahaba
Abu Ubaydah ibn Al-Jarrah Sahaba
Abu-d Dardaa Sahaba
Abu-l Aas ibn ar-Rabiah Sahaba
Adiyy Ibn Hatim Sahaba
Aishah Bint Abi Bakr Female Sahaba
Amr Ibn Al-Jamuh Sahaba
An-Nuayman Ibn Amr Sahaba
An-Numan Ibn Muqarrin Sahaba
At-Tufayl ibn Amr ad-Dawsi Sahaba
Barakah Sahaba
Al-Baraa Ibn Malik Al-Ansari Sahaba
Ikrimah Ibn Abi Jahl Sahaba
Jafar ibn Abi Talib Sahaba
Julaybib Sahaba
Khabbab Ibn Al-Aratt Sahaba
Muadh Ibn Jabal Sahaba
Said Ibn Zayd Sahaba
Salim Mawla Abi Hudhayfah Sahaba
Salman al-Farsi Sahaba
Suhayb Ar-Rumi Sahaba
Suhayl Ibn Amr Sahaba
Talhah ibn Ubaydullah Sahaba
Thabit Ibn Qays Sahaba
Thumamah Ibn Uthal Sahaba
Uqbah Ibn Aamir Sahaba
Utbah Ibn Ghazwan Sahaba
Zayd ibn Thabit Sahaba
Zayd Al-Khayr Sahaba
Source: “Companions of The Prophet” By mohamed nayeeM.